His Excellency Minister of Agriculture Dr. Fahd Balghunaim directs the formation of SAS Constituent Assembly
Eng. Ahmed Al Bala', President
Mr. Haider Al Sahtot, Vice-president
Mr. Nasser Al Mansour, Member
Mr. Mosaed Al Fayez, Member
Ms. Dina Al Faris, Member
His Excellency Minister of Agriculture Dr. Fahd Balghunaim has issued a Ministerial Resolution dated on 24.03.2433 AH ruling the formation of a Constituent Assembly for Saudi Aquaculture Society combines an elite of the prominent leaders and experts of Aquaculture Sector in KSA.
The assembly has consisted of Eng. Ahmed Al Bala' as president of the Constituent Assembly, Mr. Haider Al Sahtot as vice-president of the Constituent Assembly and membership of Mr. Nasser Al Mansour, Mr. Mosaed Al Fayez and Ms. Dina Al Faris.
The most important task of the Constituent Assembly is completing the procedures related to establishing the Society and organizing its work; the assembly has held the meetings, through which it has approved some committees that determines the SAS's work.
In addition, the Constituent Assembly has invited the public to join the Saudi Aquaculture Society and organized holding the general assembly of the society and electing a chairman, his deputy and 10 board's members.